I've never kept a diary, but figured I'd start as an attempt to figure myself out and maybe bring some order to my chaotic, scrambled life. I'll try to write as often as I can. I'll reflect on the days past and toss around my thoughts. I'm not a writer, so pardon any run-on sentences, fragments, unfinished thoughts and grammar/spelling issues.
I guess I should quickly introduce myself... My name is "Dee." I'm 25, born on Halloween of 1983. I have 3 older brothers, no sisters. My parents split up when I was 16, both have remarried since. I don't believe in having friends just to fill up an address book... so, I just have 2 close girlfriends, Tina and Jane. I'm currently in a relationship with a businessman, Tom. We've been together for 4 months. My cat's name is "King," he pretty much rules our tiny one bedroom loft apartment. I have about 6 credits towards my fine art degree, but had to temporarily drop out because money is tight. So for right now I'm the secretary at a busy advertising agency downtown. - and this job is slowly driving me crazy so I'm eager to find something else.
More about all of this later, I just wanted to jot my introduction down. You'll soon learn that I'm prone to trouble and have a tough time getting out of it. As I mentioned, the purpose of this diary is to figure myself out!
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